Pic'Xe - Co-operative Task Scheduler for PIC Processors

Pic'xe is a simple macro based task scheduler for PIC micro-processors. It can be used with any Microchip processor, but for DELAY macros requires processors with TMR0 and interuppt support.

It is released under the GPL license, for commercial projects contact me via email.

Pic'xe was developed using GPASM and MPASM.

To download the code please use the Sourceforge Download page.

Here is a simple example written using relocatable assembler directives. It has three tasks, each task produces a pulsed signal on a different pin on Port A.

	list      p=16f628a            		; list directive to define processor
	#include         		; processor specific variable definitions
	#include "scheduler.inc"		; Scheduler Macros


;	Example code on how to use the scheduler macros with a relocatable compiler
;	It has three seperate tasks.
;	Task1 pulses Port A bit 0 every 100 milliseconds
;	Task2 pulses Port A bit 1 every 5 seconds
;	Task3 pulses Port A bit 2 whenever it can

;	First use a macro to define the Timer0 values.
;	P1 = Frequency in Hertz
;	P2 = Tick size in milliseconds

	CALC_TMR0	4000000,1		; 4Mhz Clk, 1 Millisec Tick


;	Define Intialised data area in Bank0 Ram
	IDATA	0x20
TCB1	TCB					; One TCB macro is required for each task
TCB2	TCB					; and they must be contigious

#define	NUM_TCBS	3			; Constant for number of tasks

;	Define Scheduler data areas using macro


w_temp		res	1			; variable used for context saving
status_temp	res	1			; variable used for context saving

;	Now define Code

RESET_VECTOR	CODE	0x000			; processor reset vector
   	movlw	high  start			; load upper byte of 'start' label
        movwf	PCLATH				; initialize PCLATH
        goto	start				; go to beginning of program

INT_VECTOR	CODE	0x004			; interrupt vector location
	movwf	w_temp 				; save off current W register contents
	movf	STATUS,w  			; move status register into W register
	bcf	STATUS,RP0			; ensure file register bank set to 0
	movwf	status_temp 			; save off contents of STATUS register

;	Use macro to define code that processed Timer0 tick
;	P1 = Address of first TCB
;	P2 = Number of TCB's in the list
	PROCESS_TICK	TCB1,NUM_TCBS		; Test Tmr0 and process the Tick Counters

	movf	status_temp,w			; retrieve copy of STATUS register
	movwf	STATUS				; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents
	swapf	w_temp,f
	swapf	w_temp,w			; restore pre-isr W register contents
	retfie					; return from interrupt

;	Start of main code

;	Initialise Port A TRIS
	movlw	0
	movwf	TRISA

;	Use macro to initialise Timer0
	INIT_TMR0				; Initialise TMR0

;	Initialise each TCB
;	P1 = Address for the TCB
;	P2 = Address of first instruction

;	Use macro to define scheduler code
;	P1 = Address of first TCB
;	P2 = Number of TCBs in the list

;	Now define the tasks.

;	These are fairly trivial, but can be as complex as you need.
;	One caveat, all calls to the Scheduler (DELAY, YIELD etc) must be at the outer
;	level of the code, they cannot be called from within a subroutine.

	bsf	PORTA,0				; Set PORTA bit 0
	DELAY	TCB1, d'100'			; Wait 100 Milliseconds

	bcf	PORTA,0				; Clear PORTA bit 0
	DELAY	TCB1, d'100'			; Wait 100 Milliseconds
	goto	task1				; Go back and try again

	bsf	PORTA,1				; Set PORTA bit 1
	DELAY	TCB2, d'5000'			; Wait 5 seconds

	bcf	PORTA,1				; Clear PORTA bit 1
	DELAY	TCB2, d'5000'			; Wait 5 seconds
	goto	task2				; Go back and try again

	bsf	PORTA,2				; Set PORTA bit 1
	YIELD	TCB3				; Release CPU

	bcf	PORTA,2				; Clear PORTA bit 1
	YIELD	TCB3				; Release CPU
	goto	task3				; Go back and try again


If you need any support, extra features etc. please use the Sourceforge Tracker.

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